We are a group of international human rights lawyers committed to global justice and human rights.

Our Mission

Our mission is to work with community organizations, human rights defenders and activists to combat mass atrocity crimes and grave human rights violations. We combat ongoing crimes and violations, and work to prevent additional atrocities.

Our Mandate

Mass atrocities and other grave human rights violations often generate displacements globally that create global diaspora. While victims cry out for justice, perpetrators seek and often achieve immunity in the country of the crimes. If justice is not available at home, victims seek foreign and international remedies. The culture of impunity enables perpetrators to continue committing mass atrocity crimes and grave human rights abuses.

Human Rights Action Group was created to respond to this need. The aim is to work with community groups as partners and assist them in mobilizing domestic, foreign, and international instruments of justice, to combat atrocity crimes and human rights abuses that are presently occurring, as well to combat impunity for past crimes, based on the principle that impunity for past crimes leads to future atrocities.

The three foundational pillars of Human Rights Action Group are (1) legal activism, (2) development and influence of remedial laws and legislation, and (3) litigation – such that principles of human rights and global justice are codified into applied law.